What is IACHUWR?

IACHUWR is the Inter-Agency Committee on the Hydrological Use of Weather Radar. It is the only national body in the United Kingdom bringing together operational agencies and research bodies with the common purpose of advancing the use of weather radar in hydrology, especially in support of flood management. It operates under the auspices of stakeholder organisations and with support from the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC).

The Committee has representation from operating organisations across the UK with responsibilities for detecting, forecasting and warning of severe weather and flooding (Environment Agency, Met Office, SEPA, Natural Resources Wales, Rivers Agency), and the design, construction and management of urban drainage networks. It has strong representation from the research community including the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology and the Science and Technology Facilities Council, and from some of the most active Universities in radar research, including Bristol, Essex, Reading and Leeds.


The Committee comprises members appointed by the Met Office, the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, the Environment Agency, the Natural Environment Research Council, Science and Technologies Facilities Council, Scottish Environment Protection Agency, Natural Resources Wales, Rivers Agency, UK Waters PLCs, and States of Jersey.

In addition to up to four members (of which at least two should be from Higher Education Institutes and/or research organisations) to be co-opted for a two year period at the invitation of the Committee. The Chairman is appointed from within the representatives of the supporting agencies for a two year term of office. The Secretary to the Committee is provided by the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (CEH) Wallingford.

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